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is biden weak

Is Biden Weak - Biden and Trump fight over who is weaker in China Donald Trump accuses Joe Biden of colluding with Chinese leaders. Biden's campaign says Trump is ineffective on the coronavirus with China, and has made it central to the campaign.

Presumptive presidential candidate Joe Biden and President Trump have engaged in a heated debate over taking a tough stance against China. Matt Rourke, Patrick Simanski/AP Hide caption

Is Biden Weak

Is Biden Weak

Presumptive presidential candidate Joe Biden and President Trump have engaged in a heated debate over taking a tough stance against China.

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While the Trump administration has been criticized for how it has handled the coronavirus outbreak, the president has sometimes blamed the Chinese and then accused his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, of being "weak on China."

The Biden campaign is trying to shift that argument back to Trump, who sees plenty of material to work with when the president talks about better trade relations with China.

One side effect of the coronavirus outbreak is that China has become a strong election year issue. Who is "tough on China" has taken on a broader political meaning, grappling not only with long-term trade and labor concerns, but also with the global health epidemic that has developed in that country and whether the U.S. response was enough

A recent ad from a super PAC supporting Trump plays ominous music as a narrator warns listeners that "Joe Biden has been wrong about China for 40 years."

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A photo of Biden with his son Hunter flashes on the screen, and the ad ends with an image of the Chinese flag in front of Biden. The Trump campaign has often pointed to Hunter Biden's past business dealings in China as evidence of corruption, and the focus on China allows it to return to widespread criticism of the younger Biden's foreign trade deals.

After the ad was published, the Biden campaign responded with one of its own, saying: "Play Trump for the Chinese."

Donald Trump prepared and prepared our country for the worst public health and economic crisis of our lifetime — and now we're paying the price. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) April 18, 2020

Is Biden Weak

"Trump praised the Chinese 15 times in January and February as the coronavirus spread around the world," the narrative said as a photo of Trump appeared on the screen.

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It followed an announcement from the Democratic super PAC American Bridge that criticized Trump for "giving his trust to China."

But this "who's tough on China" ad battle began in early April with the Trump campaign's inflammatory video showing former Washington governor and US ambassador to Beijing Gary Locke as Chinese, even though he was born and Seattle.

The ad featured a photo of Biden clinking wine glasses with Chinese leader Xi Jinping as it warned viewers that "Biden should protect China's sentiments."

The low for Tate shows how China has become a central issue in the campaign. But perhaps more importantly, it shows how there is mutual agreement that there is a political advantage to creating a strong image against China.

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A recent report from the Pew Research Center found that Americans now have a more negative view of China than they did when they began tracking the question in 2006. This compares to just 47% in 2017.

"The future of relations between the United States and China will involve a lot of second-guessing. That's clear," said GOP pollster Frank Luntz. "People ultimately decide who to believe, I think that's up for grabs."

He predicted that China would be the second most important issue in the presidential campaign, only after the handling of COVID-19.

Is Biden Weak

"They both go for the juggler," he added. "They are both trying to show that the other side is weak against China or misinterpreting China's intentions or will misbehave with China in the future."

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Many Democrats hailed Biden's latest announcement as a grand show of force that undermined the president's efforts to prove that he held China responsible for the virus.

"I'm glad he's been pushed back," said Stan Greenberg, a Democrat. "I think it's important to define the issue and say that we're not going to tiptoe around this question."

Greenberg said Biden needed to respond to Trump's efforts to "rewrite history" in China, especially at the start of the pandemic.

"It will make it difficult for [Trump] to engage in this issue when he is not very transparent, and is very weak in dealing with China," he added. "So I think it was an important battle to win early."

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But he does not believe that anyone who will be tough on China is actually the framework in which the general election will be held.

The increase in these ads worries Christine Chen, executive director of APIAVote, a political engagement group focused on Asian and Pacific Islander Americans.

"In the last six weeks we've seen hate crimes, hate incidents, blaming anyone who looks Asian or Chinese," he said. Chen worries that both Biden and Trump's ads have heated up the atmosphere.

Is Biden Weak

"I know the natural instinct is for a campaign to respond to another campaign or another ad," he said, referring to Biden's latest Chinese ad.

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But Chen thinks the tone was wrong. "I don't think Biden is xenophobic," he added. "But at the same time, I think it was a wrong move."

A few other Democratic activists I spoke with were more critical, wondering why Biden stooped to Trump's level. They felt Trump had consistently used xenophobic language, but Biden's ad bothered them because, intentionally or not, it seemed to engage in similar language.

They pointed to a particular line in the ad about Trump's travel ban where the narrator says: “Trump allowed 40,000 travelers from China to enter the United States when he signed it.

"It's not a competition to see who can be tougher on China or the Chinese," said Alton Wang, a Los Angeles-based community activist. "I think it's a race to see who can be a competent president."

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In a statement, the Biden campaign noted that it "holds feet to the fire for Donald Trump's use of xenophobic labels."

The statement also said, in part, "Our level of advertising is significant and critical of Donald Trump's belief in the Chinese government's discredited campaign to contain the virus, which Joe Biden has Publicly warned him not to do it." [1/4 ] United States President Joe Biden's speech in the State Dining Room of the White House on January 7, 2022 in Washington, U.S. During the December 2021 jobs report comments. / Kevin Lamarck

On Thursday, the United Nations Human Rights Watch criticized US President Joe Biden and other Western leaders for their weak defense of democracy and poverty, inequality and racial injustice due to the climate crisis and Covid-19. Criticized for failing to address challenges. Widespread epidemic. .

Is Biden Weak

In contrast to what Human Rights Executive Kenneth Roth described as former US President Donald Trump's "hug of friendly dictators", Biden will return in January 2021 with a pledge to make human rights his foreign policy. policies placed at center took office.

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"But he continues to sell weapons despite continued pressure from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Israel," Roth wrote in Human Rights Watch's annual global report released Thursday.

Roth named French President Emmanuel Macron and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel as "other Western leaders have shown similar weakness in defending democracy."

Roth also said that during the crucial meeting, Biden "seemed to lose his voice when publicly condemning human rights abuses."

"The US State Department has occasionally issued protests against repression in some countries, and in extreme cases the Biden administration has introduced targeted sanctions against some responsible officials, but the effective voice of the president is often absent. "

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U.S. officials have defended the Biden administration's record, saying diplomats have repeatedly raised human rights concerns with foreign leaders, including in tough conversations with adversaries including China and Russia.

"If democracies are to win international competition with authoritarian regimes, their leaders must do more than point out the obvious shortcomings of authoritarianism. They must make a strong and positive case for democratic rule," Roth said.

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