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Comrade Tucker Carlson - As Putin and Biden talked, a Kremlin spokesman was quick to explain the motivation behind Russia's aggression. Fox News helps them do their job.

President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin are scheduled to speak on Thursday, in preparation for a January 10 meeting, discussing Putin's request for "recognition of security" which aims to strengthen NATO's ability to carry out its mission in Europe. Moscow's elite diplomats and officials talk openly about Russia's goals and strategy. Controversy to all Americans, with the Kremlin expected to prepare without promises or guarantees, Russian experts prepared a plan to benefit the population in The U.S. from the competition against the international data-competition.

Comrade Tucker Carlson

Comrade Tucker Carlson

Russian state TV broadcasters have announced their happiness at being able to attract the likes of Tucker Carlson in their corner, hailing their service as a prime example of good Russian foreign policy. code. Carlson's talking points are often similar to those pushed by Kremlin propagandists - or by Putin himself.

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In one of his broadcasts on Fox News in December, Carlson said that "NATO has a lot to do with Vladimir Putin." He worries about a possible "NATO takeover of Ukraine," and describes the 2014 Maidan Revolution as a "revolution in Ukraine" organized by the US. He also accused Joe Biden of causing a "hot war with Russia." The next day, comments from Tucker Carlson's show aired all over Russian state television. After seeing Carlson's speech during the live taping

Carlson's claim that the United States is pushing the world to the brink of nuclear war with Russia fits today's Kremlin propaganda attack. During Tuesday's press release

, host Vladimir Soloviev expressed his concern about convincing Americans that the fear of war is real: "Americans change their behavior only when there is a threat to their citizens... They remember WWI more than World War II, because. We often think of Americans as a mirror of ourselves and our problems, they are just like us, their mindset is completely different."

Political scientist and professor of Communication Dmitry Evstafiev spoke about fear tactics, which means that the American people always give preference to America to avoid war with Russia. He said: "Look at how they [the US] have started talking about peace recently, there is only one way to balance it. We have to start talking about war with the Americans and Europeans, Americans and Westerners do not understand. What does the war with Russia mean, they think that the war will happen far away, but we have to explain that it will be close, war is very easy when drones fly around and kill people, but no, the bombs will come to kill you... A box wrapped stars-and-stripes should come... to the city of America. In this context, we should start a serious dialogue with the Western society - not about peace, but about war.

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Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov will represent Russia when discussing the so-called "security guarantees" sought by Moscow. His speech before the meeting showed a clear view of the Kremlin's negative attitude.

Sitting with reporters on Tuesday, Ryabkov threatened the United States: "The gap between what we want and what is necessary for the West - not what we want - is even deeper and wider. If the bridge cannot be built, the fortress walls must be replaced, and cannonballs rain down on them and hot tar pour over their heads, those who say that Russia must be put in the Ten, like misbehaving students, underestimate what will happen next, they have lost their grip on reality and imagination.

Like Ryabkov, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has criticized the possibility of Russia being punished by Western sanctions. When it appeared on Monday broadcast on Soloviev's online show

Comrade Tucker Carlson

, Lavrov dismissed the idea that Russia could be cut off from the World Bank or isolated. He also revealed that high-ranking members of the Russian military will participate in next January's talks with the United States: "The military will be represented at a high level in our delegation. We asked [US] to confirm whether we are in our understanding that the same Lavrov added that Russia is not ready to give concessions, that it has given too many years ago.

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On Wednesday, Evgeny Popov was surprised: "It seems that our representatives did not speak to the United States very seriously." Andrei Bezrukov, the Russian spy whose story became the inspiration for a TV show

, replied: "The balance of power has changed. Twenty years ago we could not talk to them like this... Now we can tell them the same thing and they understand the new balance of power-including military power-is what is brought. to the meeting, Vitaly Tretyakov, director of the School of Television at Moscow State University, agreed: "Nothing in the history of the world has happened without military action... Pacifists do not define world politics... The foreign occupation led to 20 years ago, now it is difficult for Americans and other westerners to understand that he is not a citizen. Behavior that was previously ignored.

Moscow's approach to future exchanges seems to depend on the perception of invincibility and the concept of Russian "military superiority." Not giving a deal, the Kremlin hopes to win them over from the United States by dismissing the threat of World War III as the sword of Damocles hanging over the world's head. Moscow's elite announced a difficult task, making the audience at home and abroad.

On Tuesday, military expert Korotchenko predicted: "This January will be an important month that will decide the modern history of mankind... Our meeting will decide what will happen next. Will we go straight to WWIII... or will the red lines be recognized and we will strengthen the status quo, where the means are sufficient pressure between Moscow and NATO will be equal, the main thing is, Russia will not back down.

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, the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Mikhail Delyagin confirmed that: "The nuclear mushroom can rise over Ukraine, but the NATO flag will not."

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